Matthias matussek biography sample

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Since Matthias Matussek has been working for ›Spiegel‹ magazine, whose New York office he has headed since the beginning of He is the author of numerous radio and television Missing: sample.

matthias matussek biography sample

Matthias matussek biography sample

"In einer bunten Collage aus Essays, Reportagen und Kurzgeschichten erzählt Matthias Matussek vom Werdegang eines Jesuitenschülers, der als jähriger in eine maoistische WG gerät, .

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Mathias Matussek was born in Münster in , he studied at the Free University Berlin and the German Academy for Journalists in Munich.
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With the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II safely behind us, SPIEGEL magazine's correspondent in London, Matthias Matussek, thinks it's time the British give up Missing: sample.