Bernat quintana actor dies
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Bernat Quintana (born ) is a Spanish actor best known for his role as Max Carbó in TV3 television soap opera El Cor de la Ciutat and as the main character of the film Boi. See more.
Bernat quintana actor dies
Overview: Bernat Quintana (born ) is a Spanish actor best known for his role as Max Carbó in TV3 television soap opera El Cor de la Ciutat and as the main character of the film Boi.
Bernat Quintana (born ) is a Spanish actor best known for his role as Max Carbó in TV3 television soap opera El Cor de la Ciutat and as the main character of the film Boi.
Actress dies
Ara l’actor sabadellenc Bernat Quintana ja en té 34 i, tot i que darrerament se l'ha pogut veure a Com si fos ahir, la sèrie de les tardes de TV3, ha construït una carrera artística Missing: dies.