Antinomianism in the bible
Antinomianism significance
A theology which interprets Paul’s teaching on law and grace (Rom ) to mean that the Christian is so wholly in grace that he is in no sense under the law.
Is antinomianism a heresy
antinomianism, (Greek anti, “against”; nomos, “law”), doctrine according to which Christians are freed by grace from the necessity of obeying the Mosaic Law. The antinomians rejected the .
Antinomianism examples
Antinomianism has been a point of doctrinal contention in the history of Christianity.
Antinomianism definition and examples
ANTINOMIANISM ăn’ tĭ nō’ mĭən, ăn’ tĭ nō mĭən ĭzm (from Gr. ἀντί, G, against; νόμος, G, law).